Log in to your store admin and open “Qikify Discount & Free Gift” app. If you haven’t installed our app, do it for free from here.
Click on “Create Offer” button in the app dashboard

Use Cases
Increase conversion rate and enhance customer experience by offering free gift incentives.
Step 1: Log in app dashboard and Create Offer
Log in to your store admin and open “Qikify Discount & Free Gift” app. If you haven’t installed our app, do it for free from here.
Click on “Create Offer” button in the app dashboard
Step 2: Create “Free gift” offer
Step 3: Set up offer details
Configure your offer details with easy steps:
If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to reach out to our support team in the live chat.
Step 4: Style your “Free Gift” offer
Choose “Styling & Display” > Click on “Free gift” in the Type section
Step 5: Add app embed to your product page (optional)
If you use app embed layout, this is a crucial step to display your offer in product page:
Free Plan is available!