Log in to your store admin and open "Qikify Upsell Bundle" app. If you haven't installed our app, you can free to do it from here.

Use Cases
Motivate customers to buy more with order and shipping discounts combination.
Step 1: Log in app dashboard
Log in to your store admin and open "Qikify Upsell Bundle" app. If you haven't installed our app, you can free to do it from here.
Step 2: Create offers "Shipping Goal"
Click on "Create Offer" button in the app dashboard, then select "Shipping Goal" offer type
Step 3: Set up offer details
Configure your offer details.
Remember to check on the combinations for Product discounts and Order discounts.
Step 4: Create offers "Order Goal"
Step 5: Style your reward progressive bar
You can then go to "Styling" section to customize your progressive bar style.
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