Shopify Upsell: The Ultimate Guide for Increased Sales

Written by: Hannah

Topics: eCommerce Tips

Published: June 5, 2024

12 minutes read

Shopify Upsell Ultimate Guide

Are you leaving potential revenue on the table? Traditional sales techniques only focus on the initial purchase. 

Shopify upsell unlocks a world of possibilities, allowing you to tap into a customer's willingness to spend more on complementary products. 

But how do you create relevant upsells? Where and when in the customer journey do upsells resonate best? And how do you refine your approach for maximum impact?

This comprehensive guide tackles these challenges head-on. 

We'll delve into the core principles of upselling, explore strategic approaches for different customer touch points, and provide practical tips and best practices to optimize conversions. Let's get it straight!

1.  What is upsell in Shopify?


Shopify upselling

Shopify upsell is a sales technique that encourages customers to purchase a higher-priced, upgraded, or premium version of the product they're initially considering. 

It focuses on increasing the value of a single purchase by highlighting the additional features and benefits of the upgraded product.

Benefits of Shopify Upselling 

Upsell in Shopify offers a range of advantages, including:
  • Increased Average Order Value (AOV): Encourages customers to spend more per purchase, boosting revenue.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Upselling can enhance the customer experience by offering valuable upgrades.
  • Higher Profit Margins: Upgraded products often have higher profit margins compared to base models.
  • Inventory Management: Upselling can help move slow-selling premium inventory.

Key Differences between Upselling and Cross-selling

Upselling and cross-selling are both effective sales techniques that can help you increase your revenue and customer engagement. However, they target customers in different ways.

Difference between upselling and cross-selling

Difference between upselling and cross-selling

Upselling focuses on getting customers to consider a higher-priced version of the product they're already interested in. 

Imagine a customer browsing your running shoes. You might use product page descriptions to highlight a premium version with advanced features like better cushioning and breathability.

On the other hand, cross-selling involves recommending complementary items from different categories. 

As that same customer checks out with their running shoes, you could suggest moisture-wicking socks, a heart rate monitor, or a reflective jacket. That is called cross-selling.

Here's a table to illustrate their key differences:

Shopify Upselling

Shopify Cross-sell

Target Product

Same product category, higher-priced version

Different product categories, complementary item


Increase the value of a single purchase

Increase the total number of items purchased

Shopify placements

Product pages, cart pages, checkout pop-ups, post-purchase emails

Checkout page recommendations, "Customers who bought this also bought..." sections

Shopify Upsell in Different Stages of the Customer Journey

Upselling can be implemented at various stages of the customer journey, including pre-purchase, checkout, and post-purchase. 

Shopify pre-purchase upsell

Shopify post-purchase upsell 


Cater to customers seeking advanced options

Convenient for customers ready to commit

Target customers already invested in the product


May overwhelm some customers

Can be perceived as pushy if not presented strategically

May be seen as irrelevant if not based on the purchase


Highlight features of premium headphones (noise cancellation, extended battery life) in product descriptions and comparison charts.

Offer discounted carrying case bundle with headphones at checkout

Recommend wireless charging stand or additional earbud tips in a post-purchase email


Product pages, detailed descriptions, comparison charts

Checkout page, pop-ups with limited-time offers

Thank you email, personalized recommendations

This section covered the concept of Shopify upselling, outlining its definition, benefits, some eCommerce upsell examples, key differences from cross-selling, and its different stages in the buying journey. 

Up next, we'll delve deeper into the specific placements and best practices for upselling to maximize its effectiveness. Let’s check it out!

2. How to upsell on Shopify?

Upselling is all about psychology, how you understand and how well you can predict customers' needs.

While the concept is simple - encouraging customers to purchase a higher-priced or upgraded version of a product - the most effective strategies depend on your specific products, target audience, and overall business goals.

The good news is that upselling is accessible to most Shopify merchants. In most cases, you can implement upselling strategies through either custom code or by leveraging user-friendly third-party apps.

Now, let’s dive into the most strategic ways to upsell on Shopify, helping you maximize your revenue and customer satisfaction.

2.1. Personalized Product Recommendations

Shopify product recommendations

Recommend products with personalized options

Imagine a customer browsing your selection of athletic wear. Wouldn't it be helpful to suggest matching leggings or a water bottle based on their browsing behavior? 

Personalized product recommendations feel natural because they're based on a customer's specific needs, not random add-ons. This increases the chance of conversion and fosters a more positive shopping experience.

There are various recommendation formats and placements for your personalized upselling strategy.

#1. Product Pages

  • Direct placement: Embed recommendations directly below the product description or alongside product images. This keeps relevant items top-of-mind for the customer as they consider their purchase.
  • "You May Also Like" section: Create a dedicated section showcasing personalized recommendations on product pages.

Example: If a customer is browsing a yoga mat, the "You May Also Like" section as a Shopify upsell on product page could display a yoga block, yoga strap, or water bottle.

#2. Collection Pages

  • Curated collections: Showcase personalized recommendations within curated product collections on category pages.

Example: On a "Running Shoes" category page, the recommendations might include high-performance socks, running apparel based on weather conditions, or even heart rate monitors.

#3. Cart Page

  • Complementary products for Shopify upsell in cart: As customers add items to their cart, suggest complementary products they might have forgotten or overlooked. This could be accessories, refills, or items that pair well with their initial selection.

Example: If a customer adds a phone case to their cart, suggest a screen protector or a portable charger.

#4. Thank You Page

  • Post-purchase upsell Shopify: Don't let the purchase journey end there! Capitalize on customer satisfaction by offering Shopify upsell after checkout with exclusive deals on related products. This could be a limited-time discount or a curated bundle suggestion.

Example: If a customer purchases a new camera, offer a discount on a memory card or camera bag on the thank you page.

  • Pro Tips: 

    • Real-time personalization: Some recommendation engines can factor in real-time data like weather or trending products. For instance, recommend breathable socks or a hydration vest for customers browsing running shoes in summer.
    • Personalized recommendation language: Use customer data to tailor the language you use when suggesting products. This can create a more genuine connection with the customer.

Personalized recommendations are a great way to upsell on your Shopify store, but they're not the only option. Product bundles offer another powerful strategy to increase your average order value and boost sales.

Qikify Product Bundles

Product Bundles Example

There are two main types of product bundles to consider:

  • Quantity discount bundles: Motivate customers to spend more by offering a discount when they purchase a product alongside a complementary item.  
  • Frequently Bought Together bundles: Identify products that customers often purchase together and showcase them as a bundle. 

You can take your upselling game to the next level with these additional ideas:

  • Highlight the value: Clearly communicate the overall value proposition of the bundle. Explain how it saves the customer money or provides a more complete solution.
  • Showcase the bundle prominently: Feature your product bundles on your homepage, category pages, and product pages where relevant.
  • Consider limited-time offers: Create a sense of urgency by offering product bundles for a limited time only.

2.3. Add-ons

Upselling isn't just about convincing customers to buy more products; it's about offering them additional value throughout their shopping journey. 

Enter upsell product add-ons Shopify: those delightful little extras customers can tack onto their purchase at checkout.

Add-ons upselling

Add-ons as the upselling offer

Some examples of effective add-on campaigns include:

  • Gift wrapping: Cater to customers who are purchasing gifts by offering beautiful and convenient gift-wrapping options at checkout.
  • Extended warranties: Provide peace of mind by offering extended warranties on electronics or other high-value products.
  • Digital add-ons: For software or digital products, consider offering add-ons like instructional guides or premium content.

2.4. Upsurge/Upgrade Options

Sometimes, customers might be interested in a better version of the very item they're considering. This is where upgrade options come in! 

By strategically presenting premium versions of your products, you can entice customers to invest in a more feature-rich experience and increase your average order value. 

ipad upsurge options as upselling

Offer upsurge/ upgrade options as upselling

Here's how to make upgrade options compelling:

  • Highlight the benefits: Clearly showcase the additional features and functionalities of the upgraded product.
  • Justify the price difference: Explain how the upgraded features enhance the customer experience and offer greater value compared to the base model.
  • Showcase side-by-side: Visually compare the features of the base model and the upgraded version to make the value proposition clear.
  • Target the right audience: Not all customers are looking for upgrades. Consider offering upgrades on products where the additional features hold significant value.

2.5. Subscriptions and Loyalty Program

Upselling doesn't have to be limited to immediate add-ons or upgrades. By thinking long-term, you can leverage subscriptions and loyalty programs to cultivate lasting customer relationships and generate recurring revenue.

You can take advantage of these subscription types:

  • Subscription boxes: Curated boxes are delivered on a regular basis, perfect for beauty products, coffee beans, or pet supplies.
  • Product refills: Offer discounted refills for consumables like printer cartridges or razor blades, ensuring customers have what they need without needing to repurchase the entire product.

In addition, if you are looking for compelling loyalty programs, you can take a look at these suggestions:

Subscriptions Program as Upselling

Subscriptions Program Example

  • Tiered system: Implement a tiered system where customers earn points for purchases and unlock greater rewards as they reach higher tiers.
  • Exclusive benefits: Offer loyalty program members exclusive benefits like early access to sales, personalized recommendations, or free shipping.
  • Multiple redemption options: Provide various ways for customers to redeem their points, including discounts, product upgrades, or exclusive merchandise.

From this part, you can see that upselling on Shopify is a multifaceted strategy encompassing personalized recommendations, product bundles, add-ons, upgrade options, and even subscriptions and loyalty programs. 

By understanding these diverse approaches and tailoring them to your specific store, you can craft an upselling strategy that seamlessly integrates into your customer journey.

3. Helpful Tips in Shopify Upsell

Upselling on Shopify is a strategic way to boost your average order value and unlock significant revenue growth. However, simply throwing random product suggestions at your customers won't yield optimal results. 

Here are 6 Shopify upsell tips to craft compelling strategies that resonate and convert.

3.1. Create personalization

The golden rule of Shopify upselling is simple: relevance is king. 

Gone are the days of generic "frequently bought together" suggestions. Today's customers expect a personalized touch that feels natural and enhances their shopping experience.

Personalized Upselling Offers

Personalized Upselling Offers

Don't settle for static product recommendations. You can utilize recommendation engines or Shopify apps that analyze customer data in real time to suggest relevant upsell products specific to each customer's journey.

Not every customer is looking for the same complementary items. Personalization allows you to cater to diverse customer preferences.

3.2. Highlight the Value Proposition

While upselling aims to increase your average order value, don't present an upsell that's significantly more expensive than the original item. This can create sticker shock and discourage customers from completing their initial purchase altogether. 

You should keep the upsell product within a reasonable price range of the original item.

Also, don't just list the technical specifications of the upsell product.

  • Pro Tips: 

    It is a great idea to explain how it enhances the customer's experience with the original item or solves a specific problem. 

    For example, instead of simply saying "wireless charging stand", you can show how it provides "convenient and clutter-free charging for your new phone”.

3.3. Create urgency

People are naturally drawn to deals with a time limit. Limited-time offers on upsell products can create a sense of urgency that motivates customers to act fast and secure the additional value before it disappears.

Here's how to strategically introduce urgency to encourage customers to act:

  • Discounts with a deadline: Highlight the discount percentage and the timeframe it's available to create a sense of urgency.
  • Limited quantity upsells: Create a sense of scarcity by highlighting limited quantities available for upselling products. 
  • Countdown timers: The ticking clock visually emphasizes the limited time available and encourages customers to make a quick decision.

Urgency for upselling offer

Time Countdown To Create Urgency

Supercharge your upselling efforts with a sense of urgency! Leverage tools like Qikify Sales Popups to create captivating countdown timers or highlight limited-quantity offers.

3.4. Keep it Simple

Even the most compelling upsell offer can fall flat if it's confusing.

Don't provide your customers with complex upsell offers. Make your recommendations clear, concise, and easy to understand. Bullet points or short descriptions work wonders.

3.5. Use Incentives

A little extra nudge can go a long way in motivating customers to embrace your upsell offers. Here's how to strategically use incentives to boost upsell conversions:

  • Discounts: Offer a discount on the upsell product itself. This can be a percentage-off or a fixed dollar amount reduction.
  • Free shipping: Incentivize customers to reach a specific order value by offering free shipping on their entire purchase if they add the upsell product to their cart.
  • Bundles and packages: Create bundled packages that combine the original item with the upsell product at a discounted price compared to buying them separately. 
  • Free gifts: Offer a free gift with the purchase of the upsell product. This could be a small, relevant item that complements the upsell or the original purchase.

3.6. Build Trust

Sometimes, customers might suspect that upsell products are low-quality inventory you're trying to clear. Therefore, you need to build trust and encourage them to seriously consider your upsell offers. 

You can use high-resolution product images and videos that showcase the quality and craftsmanship of the upsell items. 

shopify cart upselling

Use trusted badge to build trust for upselling offer

Furthermore, let’s make the most use of positive customer reviews or testimonials to upsell products. Social proof from satisfied customers can go a long way in building trust.

In essence, upselling on Shopify goes beyond random suggestions. 

By applying these helpful tips, you can create upsell campaigns that resonate with customers, boost conversions, and cultivate long-term loyalty.

4. What to Do After Implementing Upsell Offers?

Congratulations! You've implemented upsell offers on your Shopify store. But the journey doesn't end there. 

Now it's time to analyze, optimize, and refine your strategy for maximum impact. Here's what you can do to ensure your upsells are not just present, but truly effective.

4.1. A/B Test Everything

Don't be afraid to experiment! 

A/B tests different upsell placements, product combinations, and messaging to see what resonates best with your audience. This continuous optimization ensures your upselling efforts stay relevant and effective.

4.2. Track Key Metrics 

Data is your friend when it comes to upselling. 

You should track key metrics like upsell conversion rate, click-through rate, and average order value to measure the effectiveness of your upsell strategy. Then the next step is to analyze the data to identify winning strategies and areas for improvement.

4.3. Pay attention to the benchmark results

There's no single "magic number" for upsell conversion rates. It varies greatly depending on your industry, product type, and target audience. 

You can research average upsell conversion rates within your industry to get a general idea of where you stand. For example, the largest chunk, 16% of retailers, has conversion rates of 1-4% for cart upsell Shopify campaigns (Flowium).

By following these steps, you can transform your upsell strategy from a static presence to a dynamic tool. 

Now that you've got a solid upselling foundation in place, let's explore some of the top-rated Shopify upsell apps available to take your campaigns to the next level.

5. Highly recommended Shopify upsell plugin list

5.1. Qikify Upsell & Free Gift

Qikify Cart Upsell & Free Gift

Qikify Cart Upsell & Free Gift

Qikify Upsell & Free Gift is an upsell Shopify app designed to help you increase your average order value (AOV) through upselling and cross-selling strategies. 

It boasts a user-friendly interface, seamless integration with Shopify stores, and a variety of features to create effective upsell campaigns.

Here are the key features of the best upsell app for Shopify:

  • Increase AOV with upsells, discounts & product bundles.
  • Motivate purchases with cart drawer upsell Shopify (free gifts, shipping goals).
  • Optimize campaigns with real-time analytics.
  • Easy to use & customize for your brand.
  • Free upsell app Shopify plan available.

5.2. Upsell & Cross Sell — Selleasy

Upsell & Cross Sell - Selleasy

Upsell & Cross Sell - Selleasy

Upsell & Cross Sell — Selleasy is a well-reviewed upsell app for Shopify designed to strategically recommend additional products to customers throughout their shopping journey.

With this free Shopify upsell app, you can enjoy:

  • Pre-purchase & post-purchase upsells to increase AOV.
  • AI-powered product recommendations for upsells & cross-sells.
  • Multiple upsell formats (bundles, pop-ups, thank you page).
  • Free plan available for low-volume stores.

5.3. ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell

ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell

ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell

ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell allows you to create targeted upsell offers displayed at two key points in the customer journey: checkout and the thank you page. 

By strategically suggesting complementary items or enticing discounts, you can encourage customers to add last-minute purchases and boost your sales.

The main features of this Shopify upsell app include:

  • Shopify checkout upsell & Thank you page upsell to capture last-minute purchases strategically.
  • Shopify one-click upsell to streamline the upsell process for a smooth customer experience.
  • Easily build and customize upsell funnels with drag & drop editor
  • Trigger targeted upsell offers based on customer behavior.

Wanna have a more comprehensive review? Explore our list of the Best Shopify Upsell Apps to find the perfect tool for your Shopify journey!

6. Conclusion

There is no doubt that Shopify upsell is a proven way to boost your revenue. By strategically following the helpful practices in this article, you can nudge customers to spend more. 

Start Shopify upselling today! Every order is an opportunity to maximize your profits. Let’s watch your bottom line flourish!


1. How do I add an upsell to Shopify?

There are two main ways to add upsells to your Shopify store:

#1. Shopify Apps - This is the easiest and most feature-rich option. Popular apps like Qikify let you:

  • Install and configure the app
  • Create targeted upsell offers (products, triggers, discounts)
  • Launch and track upsell performance

#2 Shopify Scripts (for coders):

This method involves editing your theme code to create an upsell popup Shopify or displays. It's less user-friendly and requires ongoing maintenance.

2. What are upsells in dropshipping?

In dropshipping, upselling convinces customers to spend more. You can do this by:

  • Offering upgraded versions of products they're looking at (better model, bigger size).
  • Suggesting complementary items that go well with their purchase (phone case for a new phone).
  • Providing discounts for reaching a certain order value (free shipping for orders over $50).

3. How much should I upsell my product?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to how much you should upsell your product, but here are some key factors to consider:

  • Value: Customers should see the upsell as a clear upgrade worth the extra cost.
  • Competition: See what similar upsells cost in your market.
  • Profit Margin: Make sure the Shopify upsell price lets you make money after costs.
  • AOV Goals: Aim for an upsell that boosts your average order value without being too expensive.

In general, experts often suggest keeping the upsell price increase within a range of 10% to 40% of the original product's price. This range can vary depending on the perceived value of the upsell.

4. What is the success rate of upselling?

The success rate of upselling depends on several factors and can vary significantly by industry. For example, industries, where upsells offer clear value or complementary products (phone cases for phones), might experience higher upsell conversion rates.

You should research average upsell conversion rates within your specific industry to get a more realistic idea of your potential success rate.

5. Is it better to upsell or down-sell?

The best approach, upsell or down-sell, depends on the specific situation and your goals. Here's a breakdown to help you decide:

  • Upsell: When a customer is interested but might spend more, offer an upgrade to increase your profit (and maybe their satisfaction with a better product).
  • Downsell: When price is a hurdle, offer a lower-priced option to secure the sale and build customer loyalty.

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About The Author

  • About Author Hannah


    With over 5 years of experience under her belt, Hannah is an eCommerce writer who crafts content specifically for a website that deals with online sales. She simplifies technical details to assist entrepreneurs in utilizing the platform and launching their online ventures.

Table of content

1. What is upsell in Shopify?

2. How to upsell on Shopify?

3. Helpful Tips in Shopify Upsell

4. What to Do After Implementing Upsell Offers?

5. Highly recommended Shopify upsell plugin list

6. Conclusion

7. FAQs

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