Shopify Contact Form: The Complete Guide for Merchants

Written by: Lauren

Topics: eCommerce Tips

Published: Aug 20, 2024

14 minutes read

Shopify contact form guideline

In the bustling world of e-commerce, communication is key. As a Shopify merchant, you're always looking for ways to connect with your customers, address their concerns, and gather valuable feedback. Enter the humble yet powerful Shopify contact form – your contact point, customer service representative, and relationship builder all rolled into one.

This comprehensive guide covers everything Shopify merchants need to know about contact forms, including implementation methods, design best practices, recommended tools, troubleshooting tips, and legal considerations.

Here's a sneak peek of what we'll explore:

  • Why do we need a contact form?
  • How to add it to your Shopify store?
  • Best practices for designing effective and user-friendly contact forms
  • Advanced features to enhance your forms
  • The recommended tools to create the contact forms
  • Troubleshooting common issues
  • Legal considerations to keep your forms compliant

Ready to transform your Shopify store's communication strategy? Let's dive in and explore how you can harness the full potential of contact forms on Shopify!

1. Benefits and Importance of Contact Forms in Shopify Stores

First, let's ensure that we all understand the Shopify contact form and why we need it.

1.1 What is a Shopify contact form?

Key Components of a Shopify Contact Form

A Shopify contact form is a user-friendly interface on your e-commerce website that allows visitors to send messages, inquiries, or feedback directly to you, the store owner. It's a structured way for customers to communicate with your business without leaving your Shopify store or using external communication methods like email or phone.

Typically, a Shopify contact form includes fields for the customer's name, email address, and a message and displayed in the Shopify contact us page. Depending on your business needs, you might also include additional fields such as phone number, order number, or a dropdown menu for categorizing inquiries.

The Role of Contact Forms in Shopify

The primary purpose of a contact form in Shopify is to facilitate easy, efficient communication between your customers and your business. It serves as a bridge, connecting potential buyers, existing customers, or even business partners with your support team or relevant departments.

Contact forms in Shopify aren't just about receiving messages; they're about creating opportunities for engagement, solving customer issues, and ultimately, driving sales and loyalty.

1.2 Why do we need a contact form?

There are many reasons why customers might want to contact you such as: they have questions regarding the products or policies and couldn't find the answer available in the store. Or they already purchase the products but there are some issues that incur concern. You as the store owner might want to keep the connection and communication with customers as well to turn them into loyal customers. 

In all of these cases, a well-implemented contact form in Shopify can solve the problem with even more benefits to your stores or to your customers. 

Here's why:

  • Instant communication channel: a Shopify contact form provides an immediate way for customers to reach out, reducing friction and potentially boosting sales. It is even more convenient than having to write an email manually to your store email address or to make a phone call. 
  • Organized customer inquiries: contact forms help categorize and prioritize customer messages, streamlining your support process. Just with a well-implemented contact form including categories for customers to choose, you can reduce the required time to segment all the issues. 
  • Professionalism and credibility: A Shopify contact form as a way for customers to reach out will be a layer of professionalism to your store, instilling trust in your brand as you’re willing to support them anytime. 
  • Build mailing lists and collect valuable data: Rather than a way for customers to input their inquiries, in many cases, a contact form helps merchants to collect valuable information from customers as well. For example, the email address, the insights if you include some simple questions in the contact form. 
  • Reduced spam: Unlike publicly displayed email addresses, contact forms can include anti-spam measures protecting you from unwanted messages. 

Shopify contact form in the contact page

A typical Shopify contact form in the contact page

2. How to Add a Contact Form to Your Shopify Store

This section covers three methods to add a contact form to your Shopify store: using Shopify's built-in feature, third-party apps, and custom HTML/CSS implementation. Each method is explained with step-by-step instructions.

2.1 Using Shopify's built-in contact form app and Shopify Themes

For simple and basic Shopify contact form requirements, you can use the Shopify Forms app or Shopify Themes to create contact forms.

  • Using the Shopify Form:

Shopify Forms app

Shopify Forms app in the App Store

  1. Find “Shopify Form" in the Shopify App Store and install it.  
  2. Choose to create the form as a popup or inline 
  3. Set up the basic settings in the editor such as the display type, position, styling, title, and content. 
  4. Choose the fields that you want to include in the contact form. The most essential fields are name, email, dropdown list, text, date, file upload, etc. 
  5. Choose the behavior settings, including: displayed devices, pages to show the contact form, and the trigger.

Shopify Forms editor

The Editor of Shopify Forms app

  • Creating and editing Shopify contact form in Themes Editor:

Themes editor to create contact form

Edit the default contact form the Shopify Themes Editor

  1. Navigate to the “Online Store" > “Themes” and click “Customize" 
  2. Access the default contact page of the Shopify theme through the dropdown menu “Pages" > “Contact" 
  3. Edit the default contact form there or click “Add Section" in the left panel if your theme doesn't enable the form. 
  4. After making desired changes, click “Save" in the upper right corner of the Editor. 

The Shopify Form app and the form in Shopify Themes provide only basic features. If you are looking for more advanced features such as conditional logic, continue to the next section on implementing contact forms with third-party apps.

2.2 Using third-party apps for advanced contact forms

There are nearly 900 third-party apps available in Shopify App Store to create advanced contact forms. You can easily find one by searching the “contact form" term or with specific terms of the features that you want for the contact form.

Shopify contact form apps

The contact form apps in Shopify App Store

The setting up process depends on the apps that you choose but it will be mostly similar. In this article, we will use the app “Qikify Contact Form Builder" as an example on how to create the contact form. This app divides the settings into tabs of: fields, display, style, trigger, and advanced features.

  1. Fields: Fill in the form content and the fields to include in the form. You can set conditional logic for fields in this tab.
  2. Display: Choose to display your contact form in popup, bubble or embed form, the page to display, templates, background image
  3. Style: Set the font type and size for the contact form, text align style, color, etc. 
  4. Trigger button: You can choose to trigger the contact form through a fixed sticky button, embed form to the page, use available theme’s button or auto open form, the device to display contact form, etc.
  5. Advanced settings: choose the specific recipient email to send the submissions and schedule form display.

qikify contact form editor

There are more advanced settings in third-party apps

2.3 Creating a custom contact form using HTML/CSS

The last way to implement a contact form to your store is using the Liquid form tag and accompanying ‘contact’ parameter. Here is an example of Shopify contact form code with required input and optional inputs from Shopify dev:

qikify contact form code

An example of Shopify contact form code

We do not recommend this way unless you have high level of coding skills. Learn more about implementing Shopify contact form using Liquid here.

3. Designing an Effective Shopify Contact Form

A well-designed contact form can significantly improve customer engagement and conversion rates on your Shopify store. Let's explore the key elements of creating an effective, user-friendly contact form that aligns with your brand and meets your business needs.

3.1 Best Practices for Form Layout and Design

  1. Keep it Simple: Avoid overwhelming users with too many fields. Stick to the essentials.
  2. Use a Single-Column Layout: This is easier for users to navigate and complete, especially on mobile devices.
  3. Group Related Fields: Organize fields logically (e.g., personal information, order details, inquiry details).
  4. Use Clear, Descriptive Labels: Ensure users understand what information is required in each field.
  5. Indicate Required Fields: Use asterisks (*) or other clear indicators for mandatory fields.
  6. Provide Helpful Inline Instructions: Offer guidance on how to complete complex fields.
  7. Use Appropriate Field Types: Utilize dropdowns, radio buttons, or checkboxes where applicable to simplify user input.
  8. Implement Error Handling: Provide clear, friendly error messages when fields are incorrectly filled.
  9. Include a Clear Call-to-Action: Use a prominent, descriptive submit button (e.g., "Send Message" instead of just "Submit").

Bando example of the contact form

The contact form in contact page of store.

3.2 Essential Fields to Include in Your Contact Form

While the specific fields may vary based on your business needs, here are some essential elements to consider:

  1. Name: Usually split into first name and last name fields.
  2. Email Address: Crucial for responding to inquiries.
  3. Subject or Reason for Contact: This helps categorize and prioritize inquiries.
  4. Message Box: Where customers can type their detailed inquiry.
  5. Order Number (if applicable): Useful for order-related queries.
  6. Phone Number (optional): Some customers may prefer phone contact.

3.3 Optimizing Your Form for Mobile Devices

With increasing mobile traffic, it's crucial to ensure your Shopify contact form is mobile-friendly:

  1. Use Responsive Design: Ensure your form adapts to different screen sizes.
  2. Increase Touch Target Sizes: Make buttons and fields large enough for easy tapping.
  3. Use Mobile-Friendly Input Types: Utilize appropriate mobile keyboard layouts (e.g., email keyboard for email fields).
  4. Minimize Typing: Use dropdowns or pre-filled options where possible to reduce mobile typing.
  5. Test on Multiple Devices: Ensure your form works well on various mobile devices and operating systems.

3.4 Advanced Features to Enhance Your Contact Form

1. Shopify contact form file upload & attachments

  • Allow customers to upload images or documents related to their inquiry.
  • Useful for product issues, custom orders, or detailed support requests.
  • Ensure you set appropriate file size limits and accepted file types.

2. Shopify contact form CAPTCHA and Anti-Spam Measures

  • Implement CAPTCHA to prevent bot submissions.
  • Consider using more user-friendly options like reCAPTCHA v3 or hCaptcha.
  • Implement honeypot fields as an additional anti-spam measure.

3. CRM Integration

  • Connect your contact form to your Customer Relationship Management system.
  • Automatically create customer profiles or support tickets from form submissions.
  • Ensure seamless data flow between your Shopify store and CRM for efficient customer management.

  • Term Definition: 

    • CAPTCHA is a website security test that tells humans and computers apart. It asks users to complete a task that's easy for people but hard for bots, like typing distorted text or selecting specific images.
    • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a system businesses use to manage interactions with current and potential customers. It helps organize customer data, track sales, and improve customer service.

Google reCaptcha

Use Google reCaptcha in the contact form to prevent spam

3.5 Brand Consistency: Styling Your Form

Your contact form should be an extension of your brand identity:

  1. Use Your Brand Colors: Incorporate your primary and secondary brand colors in the form design.
  2. Match Your Typography: Use fonts consistent with the rest of your Shopify store.
  3. Incorporate Brand Elements: Add your logo or brand-specific design elements to the form area.
  4. Maintain Consistent Tone: Ensure the language in form labels and instructions matches your brand voice.
  5. Align with Overall Store Design: Make sure the form's style complements your store's overall aesthetic.

3.6 Enhancing User Experience with Conditional Logic and Fields

Conditional logic can make your forms more dynamic and user-friendly:

  1. Show/Hide Fields Based on User Input: Display relevant fields based on the user's previous selections.
  2. Dynamic Dropdowns: Change dropdown options based on previous selections.
  3. Smart Validation: Adjust validation rules based on user input (e.g., different validation for business vs. personal inquiries).
  4. Personalized Messaging: Display different thank-you messages based on the type of inquiry.
  5. Multi-Step Forms: For complex inquiries, consider breaking the form into multiple steps to avoid overwhelming users.

3.7 Implementation Tips

  1. Custom Development: For highly specific needs, consider working with a Shopify developer to create a custom contact form in Shopify.
  2. Regular Testing and Optimization: Continuously test your form's performance and gather user feedback for ongoing improvements.

By implementing these design principles and features, you can create a Shopify contact form that not only looks great and aligns with your brand but also provides a smooth, efficient experience for your customers. Here are the key takeaways for you:

  • Keep forms simple and user-friendly
  • Include essential fields like name, email, and message
  • Optimize for mobile devices
  • Use advanced features like file uploads and CAPTCHA
  • Ensure brand consistency in form design
  • Implement conditional logic for better user experience

Remember, the goal is to make it as easy as possible for customers to reach out, while also gathering the information you need to provide excellent service.

4. The best Shopify contact form apps

Choosing the right contact form app for Shopify can significantly streamline the process of implementing and managing contact forms on your Shopify store. Here's a selection of some of the best options available:

Create professional, customized forms for your Shopify store without any coding skills. Whether you need a simple contact form or a complex wholesale order form, our intuitive drag-and-drop builder makes it easy.

Powerful Contact Form Builder

Powerful Contact Form Builder

Key Features:

  • No-code form creation
  • File and image upload options
  • CAPTCHA and conditional logic for enhanced security
  • Seamless integration with popular email marketing tools (Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Omnisend, Sendinblue)
  • Flexible display options (product pages, collections, cart, homepage)
  • Customizable customer registration forms
  • Autoresponder emails

Idea For: Shopify merchants of all sizes looking to enhance customer communication, collect valuable data, or streamline processes like wholesale ordering and customer feedback. Particularly suited for stores needing customized forms without the complexity of coding.

Transform customer interactions into growth opportunities with our intuitive, no-code form builder. Qikify empowers you to create diverse, purpose-driven forms that capture leads, enhance customer service, and drive sales.

Qikify Contact Form Builder

Qikify Contact Form Builder

Key Features:

  • Versatile form types: Contact, wholesale, surveys, registrations, and more
  • Rich form elements: File upload, image choice, and other interactive features with the Shopify contact form custom fields. 
  • Flexible display options: Popup, bubble, or seamlessly embedded forms
  • Advanced functionality: reCaptcha, conditional logic, and scheduled forms.
  • Efficient management: In-app submission tracking and email integration

Qikify Contact Form Builder bridges the gap between customer needs and your business goals, turning every interaction into a potential opportunity.

Idea For: Shopify merchants seeking to elevate customer engagement, streamline data collection, and boost conversions without technical hassle. Ideal for businesses of all sizes looking to create professional, branded forms that align with their unique needs and customer journey.

Revolutionize your contact management and lead generation with POWR Form Builder. Create professional, custom forms in minutes and watch your business processes transform from time-consuming tasks to streamlined, automated workflows.

POWR Contact Form Form Builder

POWR Contact Form-Form Builder

Key Features:

  • Rapid Form Creation: Build simple to multi-page forms in minutes
  • Smart Automation: Instant alerts, personalized autoresponders, and success messages
  • Seamless Integrations: Connect with Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Zapier, and more
  • Dynamic Forms: Utilize conditional logic to create responsive, user-friendly experiences, able to create Shopify contact form image upload 
  • Effortless Contact Management: Sync with Google Sheets and Shopify Customers

POWR Form Builder doesn't just collect data; it intelligently channels information to fuel your business growth, enhance customer service, and streamline operations.

Ideal for: Shopify merchants who value efficiency and seek to automate their lead generation and customer communication processes. Ideal for businesses looking to scale their operations, improve response times, and create a more personalized customer journey without increasing workload.

When choosing a Shopify contact form app, consider the following factors:

  • Ease of use and setup
  • Customization options
  • Integration with other tools you use
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Anti-spam features
  • Customer support quality
  • Pricing structure

Remember, the best app for your store depends on your specific needs, technical expertise, and budget. Many of these apps offer free trials, so don't hesitate to test a few before making your final decision.

By implementing one of these top-rated contact form apps, you can quickly enhance your Shopify store's communication capabilities, improving customer service and potentially boosting sales.

5. Troubleshooting Common Issues with Shopify Contact Forms

Even the best-designed contact forms can sometimes encounter issues. Here's how to identify and resolve common problems:

5.1 Resolving Form Submission Errors

1. Check your form settings: 

  • Ensure all required fields are properly marked.
  • Verify that field validation rules are set correctly.

2. Review your code: 

  • If using a custom form, check for syntax errors in your HTML and JavaScript.
  • Ensure all form fields have unique 'name' attributes.

3. Test Cross-Browser Compatibility: Forms may behave differently across browsers. Test on multiple browsers and devices.

4. Verify reCAPTCHA Settings: If using reCAPTCHA, ensure your site key and secret key are correctly entered.
5. Check for JavaScript Conflicts: Other scripts on your page might interfere with form submission. Try disabling other scripts temporarily to isolate the issue.

5.2 Effective Spam Management

1. Implement CAPTCHA: Use reCAPTCHA or similar services to prevent bot submissions.

2. Use Honeypot Fields: Add hidden fields that only bots will fill out, then filter out submissions with these fields completed.

3. Implement IP Blocking: Consider blocking IP addresses that repeatedly send spam.

4. Use Email Filters: Set up email filters to sort potential spam submissions into a separate folder.

5. Regular Monitoring: Regularly review your form submissions to identify new spam patterns.

5.3 Troubleshooting Email Delivery Problems

1. Check Your Shopify Contact Form Email Settings: Verify that the email address for receiving form submissions is correct in your Shopify settings.

2. Review Spam Folders: Regularly check your spam folder for legitimate form submissions.

3. Use a Reliable Email Service: Consider using a dedicated email service provider for better deliverability.

4. Implement SPF and DKIM: Set up Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) to improve email authenticity.

5. Test Form Submissions: Regularly test your form to ensure submissions are being received.

If you're experiencing issues with your Shopify contact form not sending email or Shopify contact form not receiving email, these steps should help resolve the problem.

  • Notice: Legal Considerations for Contact Forms in Shopify

    When implementing contact forms, it's crucial to consider legal compliance to protect both your business and your customers' rights.

5.4 Privacy Policy Compliance

1. Create a Clear Privacy Policy: Explain how you collect, use, and protect customer data from your contact form.

2. Make Your Policy Accessible: Include a link to your privacy policy near your contact form.

3. Update Regularly: Review and update your privacy policy regularly to reflect any changes in your data handling practices.

5.5 GDPR and Data Protection

1. Obtain Explicit Consent: Include checkboxes for users to consent to data collection and processing.

2. Provide Data Access and Deletion: Implement processes for users to request access to their data or have it deleted.

3. Ensure Data Security: Use secure methods to store and process data collected through your contact form.

4. Limit Data Collection: Only collect information that is necessary for addressing the customer's inquiry.

5. Document Your Compliance: Keep records of your GDPR compliance efforts.

5.6 Consent for Marketing Communications

1. Separate Consent for Marketing: Include a separate, unchecked box for users to opt-in to marketing communications.

2. Clear Language: Use clear, unambiguous language when asking for marketing consent.

3. Provide Opt-Out Options: Include easy opt-out options in all marketing communications.

4. Keep Records: Maintain records of when and how consent was obtained.

5. Honor Preferences: Respect user preferences and promptly remove those who opt-out from your marketing lists.

By addressing these common issues and legal considerations, you can ensure that your Shopify contact form functions smoothly and complies with relevant laws and regulations. Regular monitoring and updates to your form and policies will help maintain effective communication channels with your customers while protecting their rights and your business interests.

6.Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Shopify Contact Forms

As we wrap up our comprehensive guide to Shopify contact forms, let's recap the key points and look at how you can move forward to enhance your store's communication strategy:

Well-implemented contact forms are crucial for Shopify stores, serving as a vital communication channel that enhances customer service, builds trust, and ultimately drives business growth.

  1. Customer Communication Hub: Direct line for inquiries, feedback, and support.
  2. 24/7 Availability: Always accessible, improving customer satisfaction.
  3. Data Management: Collect structured data for better customer insights.
  4. Professionalism: Enhances your store's credibility and trustworthiness.
  5. Spam Reduction: Helps keep communication channels focused on genuine inquiries.

Implementing or improving your Shopify contact form is a powerful step towards better customer communication, increased satisfaction, and business growth; take action today to reap these benefits.

Now that you understand the importance and intricacies of Shopify contact forms, it's time to take action:

  1. Audit your current form or plan a new one.
  2. Implement best practices for user-friendliness and mobile optimization.
  3. Regularly test and optimize based on user feedback.All merchants with Basic, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus plans have 10,000 free emails to send at the beginning of every month. Shopify Plus merchants can send additional emails beyond the 10,000 free emails at a cost of $1 USD per 1,000 additional emails up to 300,000 emails.
  4. Ensure legal compliance with data protection regulations.

Your contact form is often the first point of customer interaction. Don't miss out on the opportunities a well-designed contact form can bring to your Shopify store. Start improving your customer communication today – your customers and your business will thank you. 

Ready to take the next step? Explore our recommended contact form apps or reach out to our team for personalized assistance in creating the perfect contact form for your store.

7. FAQs About Shopify Contact Forms

1. Where can I find Shopify contact form submissions? 

  • From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Forms.
  • On the Overview page, do either of the following: To view the submissions for all of your forms, click Total submissions in the metrics section.
  • Learn more about managing Shopify forms here. 

2. How do I send a Shopify contact form to another email?

To change the contact form email in Shopify or send your Shopify contact form submissions to a different email address, follow these steps:

1. Access Shopify Contact Form Settings:

  • Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  • Go to "Settings" at the bottom left of the dashboard.
  • Click on "General" in the Settings menu.

2. Edit Shopify Contact Form Email Address:

  • Scroll down to the "Store details" section.
  • Look for the "Sender email" field.
  • Enter the new email address where you want to receive contact form submissions.
  • Click "Save" at the top or bottom of the page.

3. Verify Shopify Contact Form Email Settings:

  • After saving, send a test submission through your contact form.
  • Check the new email address to ensure you're receiving the submissions.

4. Shopify Contact Form Multiple Emails:

  • If you want to send form submissions to multiple email addresses, consider using a Shopify contact form app that offers this feature.
  • Popular apps like "HelpCenter" or "Ante Form Builder" allow you to set up multiple recipients for form submissions.

3. How many emails can you send with Shopify?

All merchants with Basic, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, and Shopify Plus plans have 10,000 free emails to send at the beginning of every month. Shopify Plus merchants can send additional emails beyond the 10,000 free emails at a cost of $1 USD per 1,000 additional emails up to 300,000 emails.

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